Give your team the tools they need
Make sure you set your team up for sucess by sharing proper access to your marketing platforms.
Manage your passwords like a boss
We are 100% committed to educating and empowering you to take control of your marketing and your business with the insights you need to make informed decisions. In order to perform audits and monitor progress we will need acces to your marketing platforms. Each platform is different and requires different steps to allow access. In this page you will find tips for some of the most common platforms.
Watch this Video first
Watch this video for an overview of what you need to know about sharing passwords and ensuring that our team and your marketing vendors can access what they need in order to complete the tasks you need.
It's not as easy as sharing logins and paswords! Some platforms require additional steps.
We recommend using a password management app like Last Pass to make the process of sharing access securely run smoothly for you.
Learn more about the steps to provide access to top platforms
Every business is unique and will have a custom list of platforms. Blelow are some of the most popular platforms out there that require more than a user name and password to access.
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Business and Marketing Tips