Best practices for personal and professional success
As a business coach, Marques Ogden, quickly learned that his coaching must extend beyond simply helping clients succeed in their business ventures. Marques teaches business leaders how to lead happy and fulfilling lives outside of work through principles that also apply in business. After all, a person’s business can only be as successful as the person leading it.
We recently interviewed successful business coach Marques Ogden who shared his best tips for leadership that you can apply to your business and your life to be more fulfilled and successful. as you read through these, think about how to apply the principles to everything from relationships to health and well-being. Seek to find a balance in your life so you can be happier and more productive both at work and at home. Then you will be able to create successful businesses that improve your life and the lives around you.
Strategically leverage your ambition
Marques Ogden believes that “If you don´t have ambition, you don´t have a purpose.” He maintains that while everyone has aspirations and ambitions, not everyone leverages them fully. Few learn to focus on their ambition and use it to drive them towards their goals. People with ambition think big and are constantly looking for ways to improve their skills and knowledge. They are also unafraid of taking risks, which can lead to new opportunities. In other words, they act on their ambition.
In fact, according to Marques, ambition is not only about setting goals; it is also about taking action and being persistent. People with ambition never give up, even when the going gets tough. They are always looking for new ways to reach their goals and are willing to put in the hard work required to achieve them. When you set your sights high and strive for excellence, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. So if you want to achieve great things, start by thinking big and pursuing your ambitions with determination.
Strive to drive results
Anyone in business will tell you that it’s not always easy. There are ups and downs, good times and bad times. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is how they respond to the challenges they face. The successful embrace challenges and views them as an opportunity to learn and grow. They are driven by a desire to be the best they can be. On the other hand, the unsuccessful allow challenges to defeat them. They become motivated by short-term external factors like money and notoriety. This type of motivation is fleeting and will never lead to lasting success. The next time you face a challenge, ask yourself if you’re motivated by external factors or inspired by a desire to be your best self.
Choose to remain inspired
Choose inspiration every time. It’s the only thing that will lead to lasting success. Being inspired means having hope, desiring to achieve something great, and possessing the passion to pursue your dreams. Anyone can be motivated; it simply takes someone willing to offer you a reward for completing a task. But not just anyone can be and STAY inspired; it takes someone with an inward desire to do something great for themselves or others without any sort of external coercion or reward. The next time you’re feeling low and need a push to get going, remember that being motivated might get you moving, but only being inspired from within will give you the energy you need to be persistent and stay the course until you achieve your dreams. Marques suggests that “In times of extreme darkness, focus on the light”
Look ahead, not behind you or beside you
Marques Ogden believes that you should stay focused on what you need to do and where you need to improve and not get sidetracked by what everyone else is doing. Or as he put it, “Focus on yourself, not the competition” One of the most important things to remember in business is that it’s not about the competition, it’s about you. Your success depends on your own hard work and dedication, not on comparing yourself to others. Of course, it’s important to be aware of what your competition is doing, but at the end of the day, your focus should be on your own goals and strategies. By staying focused on your own progress, you’ll be more likely to achieve success. And even if you don’t end up ahead of the competition, you’ll at least have the satisfaction of knowing that you gave it your all. So next time you’re feeling discouraged, remember that it’s not about them, it’s about you. Keep your eye on the prize and stay dedicated to your own success.
Be authentic
If you want to be a successful leader and coach, you must be authentic. This means being your best self and also being willing to be vulnerable, and flawed. You must also be a good listener. Listening is one of the most important skills you can have in business. It allows you to build trust, show empathy, and understand what your team members are saying. When you listen, you learn about people’s goals, their challenges, and their needs. This information is essential to help you become a better leader. You can help your team members achieve their full potential when you connect with them authentically.